Michelle Smallmon Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Michelle Smallmon

Michelle Smallmon was born on August 13, 1986, in Belleville, Illinois. She is now 38. Her parents, Tony and Robin Smallmon, are her biggest supporters. Michelle has always loved sports and journalism. She pursued her dreams. She did it by earning a degree in broadcast journalism from the University of Illinois.

In 2008, she started as a news production assistant. Now, in 2024, she is a successful on-air personality and producer for St. Louis’ ESPN station. Standing at 5 feet 7 inches and weight is around 65 kg, Michelle leads a busy and active lifestyle. Estimators estimate her net worth to be $1 to $2 million. This makes her a true inspiration for all the young sports enthusiasts!””

Who is Michelle Smallmon?

Michelle Smallmon loves talking about sports on TV and the radio. It’s like how you might chat about your favorite games with friends. She’s been doing this job for a long time because she loves sports. Like you have teachers. Michelle learned a lot about sports and talking on TV from a big school after high school.

She also started working with a team at a news station, kind of like how you work on projects with your classmates. Michelle is good at sharing stories and making sports fun for everyone to learn about.

Michelle Smallmon

Famous Actor Sara Dey ;https://bioeases.com/2024/07/01/sara-dey/


Full Name
Michelle Smallmon
Date of Birth
August 13, 1986
38  years old as of 2024
Birth Place
Belleville, Illinois, USA

Real name

Michelle Smallmon has a special name that her parents gave her when she was born, like you! Her real name is Michelle Smallmon. It’s the name she uses when she’s on TV and the radio, talking about sports and making them fun for everyone to listen to.

like you might use your name at school or with friends. Michelle uses her name to share her love of sports with the world. Isn’t it cool how everyone has a special name?

Early Life and Education

Michelle Smallmon grew up in a place called Belleville, like you might live in your own town. When she was a kid, not much older than you, she liked sports and stories. After high school, she wanted to learn how to talk about sports on TV. So, she went to a big school, the University of Illinois.

At this big school, she learned all about how to be on TV and talk about sports. It’s like when you learn something new and exciting at school!

Michelle Smallmon

Parents and Siblings

Michelle Smallmon has a mom named Robin and a dad named Tony. They are very special to her, like your mom and dad or guardians are to you. Michelle’s dad works in a place where he helps people find houses, which is pretty cool. Imagine helping someone find their perfect home where they can make happy memories!

Michelle doesn’t have any brothers or sisters mentioned, so she might be an only child. She doesn’t have to share her toys. But, she’s the only one her parents cheer on at sports games or school events.


Michelle Smallmon keeps some parts of her life private, like a secret garden. You might have a secret handshake with your best friend. Michelle hasn’t shared much about her husband. It’s like when you play hide and seek, and you find a good hiding spot that no one else knows about.

So, we’ll respect her secret spot. We’ll focus on the cool things she does. She talks about sports and goes on adventures with her hobbies. Remember, everyone has something special. They like to keep it for themselves.

Michelle Smallmon


About Michelle having kids, it’s like a secret storybook she hasn’t opened up yet. You might have a favorite toy or book that you don’t share with everyone. Michelle keeps some parts of her life for herself. That means we don’t know if she has any little ones calling her mom.

But that’s okay! Remember, everyone has their own stories. Some chapters are private. We can imagine Michelle having fun adventures. , even with kids in the future. Or, enjoying the story she’s living now.

Michelle Smallmon Height, Weight, and Physical Attributes

Michelle Smallmon is like a character from your favorite storybook. She has her own special look. She stands as tall as five foot-long rulers stacked on top of each other, which is pretty tall! That means she’s 5 feet 7 inches tall.

Michelle also weight is 65kg. She has brown hair, like the color of chocolate, and her eyes are black, sparkling like the night sky. imagine her moving around, talking about sports with that energetic sparkle!

Michelle Smallmon

Michelle Smallmon Before Fame

Before Michelle became famous for talking about sports, she was like you, a kid with big dreams. She lived in a town called Belleville and loved sports so much. Imagine playing your favorite game and then getting to talk about it as your job! That’s what Michelle dreamed of doing.

She went to school like you, learned lots, and always remembered to have fun with her friends. Every day, she worked a bit toward her dream. She showed us that with patience and practice, we can make our dreams come true, like she did.

Michelle Smallmon Career

Michelle Smallmon’s job is like being in a big sports game. But, instead of playing, she talks about the games on TV and radio! Michelle sits next to a friend and explains how to play a game. She started at a place called KSDK, sort of like being on a team, but for news shows.

Then she moved to a special team called 101 ESPN, where she talks about sports all day. It’s like being the captain of a storytelling team. You share exciting sports stories with everyone listening or watching.

A Look into Michelle Smallmon’s Net Worth in 2024

Imagine if you saved up all your birthday money, allowance, and coins found under the couch for a long time. This is like how Michelle Smallmon has a net worth. It’s like a big treasure chest of money she saved from her job talking about sports.

In 2024, experts expect her treasure chest to fill with between $1 million and $2 million. That’s a lot of money, kind of like having a mountain of toys or a giant pile of ice cream scoops! She worked hard and saved up to have this treasure.

Michelle Smallmon Famous Reason

Michelle Smallmon became famous because she’s great at talking about sports. She does it on TV and the radio. Imagine sitting down to watch your favorite sport. There’s someone who tells you all about the game, making it even more fun. That’s what Michelle does!

She shares stories and exciting things about sports games. She shares them with everyone who’s listening or watching. People enjoy hearing her talk about sports. She knows a lot and makes it very interesting. That’s why so many people know her name and love to hear what she has to say about their favorite games!

Michelle Smallmon Nationality And Religion

Michelle Smallmon is like many of us in America. She was born in a place called Belleville, which is in a big state named Illinois. That makes her an American, like you might be if you were born in the United States. It’s kind of like being part of a giant club. Everyone shares some things. But, they also have their own unique stories and backgrounds.

As for what she believes in, like whether she goes to church or not, that’s something very personal. Like everyone in your class, people have different favorite colors or foods. They also believe in different things.

Michelle Smallmon Legacy and Impact

Michelle Smallmon is like a superhero in the world of sports. She talks about games and players. This helps everyone understand and love sports more. She shows that girls and boys can dream big and work hard to do something they love. Michelle’s stories are on TV and radio. They make sports exciting for many people. They feel like they’re right in the game.

She’s like a guiding star for kids. She shows that following your passions can lead to doing great things. like a good book leaves its mark, Michelle’s work does too, inspiring others to chase their dreams.

Michelle Smallmon Future Plains

Imagine if you had a big, bright map that showed you all the fun places you wanted to go on adventures. Well, Michelle Smallmon has something like that too, but for her dreams and plans! She’s thinking about new sports stories. , she’ll find more games to love and share.

She might also want to visit places she’s never been, bringing back exciting tales for everyone. like when you plan to build a big castle with your blocks. Michelle is planning more fun and surprises for her future!


  • Watching Sports: Michelle loves watching different sports. It’s like a fun game for her eyes!

  • Reading: She enjoys reading books. It’s like going on an adventure without leaving her chair.

  • Listening to Music: Michelle listens to music a lot. It’s like having a little party in her ears!

  • Traveling: She likes to go to new places. It’s like finding secret treasures all around the world.

  • Cooking: Michelle enjoys making yummy food. It’s like being a magician in the kitchen!

Interesting Facts About Michelle Smallmon 

  • Michelle is From Belleville: She was born in a place called Belleville. It’s in Illinois, like your hometown might be somewhere special to you!

  • Michelle has loved sports since she was little, like you. She loves watching and talking about them. She thinks they’re fun!

  • Went to a Big School: Michelle went to a university. It’s like a huge school where you learn even more after high school.

  • First Job on TV: Michelle’s first job was helping make news shows at KSDK. Imagine seeing yourself on TV!

  • Talks on the Radio: She also works at a place called 101 ESPN, where she talks about sports. It’s like telling sports stories to lots of people who listen.

  • Brown Hair, Black Eyes: Michelle has brown hair and black eyes, like some superheroes!

  • Loves to Read and Travel: She enjoys reading books and traveling to new places. It’s like going on adventures in real life and in her imagination.


Do you have questions about Michelle Smallmon? Let’s see if we can answer them like we’re solving a mystery together!

How old is Michelle?

Michelle is like a grown-up at 38 years old! Imagine counting to 38; that’s how many birthdays she’s had.

Where did Michelle grow up?

She grew up in a place called Belleville, in Illinois. Think of where you live; Belleville is Michelle’s hometown.

What does Michelle do?

Michelle talks about sports on the radio and TV! It’s like when you share stories with friends, but she shares them with lots of people.

What are Michelle’s favorite things to do?

Michelle loves watching sports, reading, listening to music, traveling, and cooking. It’s like having adventures and creating magic in the kitchen!

How tall is Michelle?

She is about as tall as five stacked-up foot-long rulers, which makes her 5 feet 7 inches tall. Remember, it’s fun to learn about people and their stories, like we did with Michelle!


Alright, little friends, we learned a lot about Michelle Smallmon, didn’t we? She’s pretty amazing because she gets to talk about sports, read books, and travel to cool places. Think of her as a super storyteller who shares what she loves with everyone. From her school days to chatting on the radio, Michelle shows us that doing what you love can lead to fun. It can also lead to exciting adventures.

And hey, she even makes yummy food, like a kitchen magician! I hope you found Michelle’s story as fun as a treasure hunt. Remember, you can do amazing things too, like Michelle, if you follow your heart and work hard. Isn’t that cool? Let’s keep learning and exploring together. Michelle does this with her adventures!


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