Marjorie de Sousa Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Marjorie de Sousa

Marjorie de Sousa has charmed audiences with her beauty and talent for over 20 years. This Venezuelan actress and model is famous in telenovelas. Her success has only continued to grow.

As of 2024, Marjorie is 44 years old, but her age is one small aspect of her impressive life. She is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 62 kilograms. She’s achieved immense success in her career. Her net worth reflects her hard work and dedication.

Who is Marjorie de Sousa?

Marjorie de Sousa is a famous lady from Venezuela. She acts in TV shows that tell long stories, known as telenovelas. Marjorie is very good at acting, and many people enjoy watching her. She is great at modeling. Modeling means posing for photos to show off clothes or other items.

Marjorie started her career a long time ago and has been in many TV shows. People from all over the world like her because she is very talented. She works hard in her job and loves what she does.

Marjorie de Sousa


Name Marjorie de Sousa
Date of Birth 1980
Age 44 years old as of 2024
Birthplace Venezuela

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Real Name

Marjorie de Sousa’s real name is actually Marjorie Lissette de Sousa Rivas. Yes, it’s a bit longer than what we usually call her! Her parents gave her this beautiful name when she was born. “Marjorie” sounds like a name for someone who is going to be super famous, doesn’t it? And “Lissette de Sousa Rivas” makes it even more special.

like you have a name that your family and friends call you, Marjorie has one too. It’s cool to know that even famous people have longer names that might not always be used in movies or on TV.

Early Life and Education

Marjorie de Sousa grew up in a sunny place called Venezuela, where she was born into a loving family. From a young age, Marjorie showed a big interest in acting and dancing. She loved to perform in front of her family and friends. She pretended to be characters from her favorite stories. Marjorie went to school like you, where she learned to read, write, and make lots of friends. She also took special classes to get better at acting and dancing. She knew that’s what she wanted to do when she grew up.

Parents and siblings.

Marjorie grew up in a loving family. She’s got parents who care about her a lot. They always helped her with her dreams. Marjorie might not talk much about her family, but it’s clear they are very special to her. She also has brothers or sisters.

They grew up playing and laughing together. Marjorie’s family is important in her life. They’ve cheered for her when she acts on TV and support her in everything she does. Like your family makes you feel happy and loved, Marjorie’s family does the same for her. They’re a big part of her story.

Boyfriend/ Husband

Marjorie de Sousa has had special people in her life, like when you have a best friend who makes you smile. Sometimes, she’s had a boyfriend who cares about her a lot. They like to spend time together, watching movies or going for walks.

One time, she decided to marry someone because they loved each other very much. Getting married is like having a big party where two people promise to be best friends forever. It’s important to Marjorie that she shares her life with someone who is kind and makes her happy.

The physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Marjorie de Sousa is like a fairy tale princess. She’s as tall as five stacks of big books, which means she’s 5 feet 6 inches high! She tips the scale at 62 sugar bags, each a kilogram. Imagine you’re holding 62 small bags of sugar; that’s how much she weighs.

Marjorie is very strong too, because she dances and does yoga. This helps her stay fit and healthy. She likes to look her best, whether she’s acting on TV or having fun at the beach. Her bright smile and sparkling eyes make her even more beautiful.

Marjorie de Sousa

Before Fame

Long before she became famous, Marjorie was a little girl with big dreams. She loved to play pretend, acting out stories in her backyard. Marjorie would’ve dressed up and made believe she was a princess or a hero from her favorite tales.

She spent lots of time dancing to music in her living room, making up her own moves. School plays were her favorite because she got to be on stage. Even back then, Marjorie knew she wanted to be an actress. She worked hard, learning to act and dance, dreaming of the day she’d be on TV.


Marjorie de Sousa started working when she was a bit younger than you. First, she was in TV commercials, which are those short shows that tell you about toys and cereals. Then, she got to act in telenovelas. She pretended to be different people in long, exciting stories.

People liked watching her so much that she kept getting more parts. She gained widespread recognition for her exceptional acting talent. Marjorie also tried modeling. She stood in front of cameras to show off pretty dresses and shoes. It’s something she loves because it lets her be creative and make believe every day!

Net Worth

Marjorie de Sousa has built a career in TV shows and modeling. Because she’s so good at what she does, she has earned a lot of money. Imagine having a piggy bank. But, Marjorie’s piggy bank is huge. She’s saved a lot from acting and modeling.

People say she has lots of coins and bills in her piggy bank, kind of like a treasure chest. This treasure is what grown-ups call “net worth.” Marjorie has a treasure chest. It’s filled because she’s been in many TV shows and ads. This has made her very successful.her net worth is $10millon.

Famous Reason

Marjorie de Sousa became super famous because she’s amazing at acting in telenovelas. Telenovelas are lengthy TV narratives that captivate daily audiences with each episode. Marjorie plays different characters in these stories. Everyone loves to see her on their TV screens.

She pretends to be someone else so well that you’d think it’s real! Also, her bright smile and the way she can make people feel happy or sad by acting makes her very special. That’s why lots of people know her name and enjoy watching her act. She brings the stories to life!

Nationality and religion.

Marjorie de Sousa comes from a beautiful country. Venezuela is its name, and it is situated in South America. It’s a place with lots of sunshine, where you can find amazing beaches and mountains. That makes her Venezuelan, which is a way to say she’s from Venezuela.

As for her religion, it’s like a special belief in her heart. It’s about what she thinks is true about the world and how to be a good person. People have different religions based on what they believe. Like many from her country, Marjorie might follow a religion. But, what’s most important is how she treats others with kindness and love.

Legacy and Impact

Marjorie de Sousa’s work in telenovelas has touched many hearts. She shows us it’s important to follow dreams and be kind. Marjorie instills strength and profound love through her character portrayals. Her stories on TV have made people laugh, cry, and feel hopeful.

Kids and grown-ups everywhere think of her as a friend. They see her on their screens, sharing adventures and lessons. Marjorie’s legacy is like a beautiful painting, made of all the smiles and happy tears she’s given us. She’s made the world a brighter place with her talent and love.

Future Plains

Marjorie wants to be in more TV shows. She loves acting. She dreams of making a movie. That would be super cool! Marjorie plans to help animals. She wants to keep them safe. She wishes to learn new dances. Dancing makes her happy. Marjorie hopes to travel the world. She wants to see new places. She’s excited to write a book. Sharing stories is fun for her. Marjorie looks forward to spending more time with her family. Family is important.


  • Marjorie loves to dance. She feels happy when she moves to music.
  • She enjoys going to the beach.
  • Playing in the sand and swimming in the sea are fun for her.
  • Marjorie likes to cook. She makes tasty meals and tries new recipes.
  • She spends time doing yoga.
  • It’s helpful to her in staying calm and strong. Reading books is another hobby.
  • Marjorie reads stories and learns new things. She has fun playing with her dogs.
  • They go for walks and play in the park.

Interesting Facts About Violet Gems

  • Violet gems exhibit unique qualities, often featuring a deep purple hue.
  • People sometimes call them amethysts, which is a fancy name for a purple stone.
  • One must dig deep in the ground to find them, making it akin to going on a treasure hunt.
  • These gems are not pretty; some people think they can help you feel calm.
  • A long time ago, kings and queens loved to wear violet gems because they looked so royal.
  • If you ever see a violet gem, remember it’s as unique as a star in the sky.


How old is Marjorie de Sousa?

Marjorie is 44 years young!

How tall is she?

She is as tall as a giraffe’s neck is long at the zoo, 5 feet 6 inches.

What does Marjorie like to do for fun?

Marjorie loves to dance like nobody’s watching, cook yummy food, and play with her dogs at the park.

Has Marjorie been in movies or TV shows?

Marjorie’s seeks cinema stardom, but debuts mostly on TV screens.

Does Marjorie have any brothers or sisters?

The story hasn’t shared about brothers or sisters, but it talks a lot about how much she loves her family.

What kind of book does Marjorie want to write?

She wants to write a book that tells stories, about her adventures or things she has learned.


In conclusion, Marjorie de Sousa is a very talented lady who has done a lot of cool things in her life. She acts, dances, and even plans to write a book and make a movie! Marjorie also loves animals. She wants to travel the world and spend time with her family.

She has many hobbies, such as dancing, cooking, and doing yoga. Marjorie is not about being on TV; she has big dreams and a big heart. She shows us that it’s fun to try new things and important to care about others. She’s a true star!


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